Lesson 1. What is Mindfulness?
Guided Breathing Exercise | 4:18 | Sitting And Breathing Like A Frog
Educators |
This is a great way to introduce kids to a fun belly breathing exercise.
Ask students |
"Who likes Frogs?" "Today for a surprise we are going to practise breathing like a Frog."
Let's begin |
Breathing Like A Frog. For this breathing exercise invite students to sit with their legs crossed in frog position. Make sure everyone is feeling nice and comfortable.
Short reflection with students |
- How is everyone feeling? More relaxed?
- Could everyone feel their tummy rise and fall?
- Would everyone like to do this breathing exercise again tomorrow?
- Well done.
Mindfulness Lesson | 7:00 | What is Mindfulness?
Educators |
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to what is happening in the present moment, with a sense of kindness and curiosity.
Mindfulness helps us become more aware of our bodies senses, our emotions and thoughts, our actions and the world around us.
Ask students |
"Can anyone share with the class what Mindfulness is?" Then read out the following meaning.
- Mindfulness is simply paying attention to what is happening right now.
- Mindfulness is also breathing and slowing down to really notice what you are doing.
- Mindfulness is paying attention to what you are thinking and feeling.
- Mindfulness is also paying attention to your senses and the world around you, noticing what you can see, hear, touch, smell and taste in a new way.
For example,
- What are you doing right now? Are you listening to my voice?
- How does your tummy feel right now? Do you feel warm or cold?
- What can you touch in front of you? How does it feel?
Discuss why is Mindfulness is so important for kids |
You will become more resilient. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges. When things go wrong, resilience helps you get through hard times and can make you stronger than you were before.
You will become more aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions so that if something upsets you can be less reactive and make better decisions.
Mindfulness will help you focus and concentrate for longer so you will do better at school. Reading, learning, homework and exams will become less stressful and easier.
You will become kinder towards yourself, your friends and everyone around you including the world we live in.
You will feel happier and enjoy things more as well as feeling grateful for all the little and big things in your life.
Remember, Mindfulness takes practise!
The great news is Mindfulness can be used anywhere at school, in the playground, or at home and can be used at any time when you are feeling worried, sad, afraid or even when you're getting distracted - making you amazing!
But remember it does take practise! Like learning a new sport or instrument whatever you practise you become good at.
Mindfulness Exercise | 3:00 | A Simple Mindful Moment
Educators |
This exercise helps children understand what Mindfulness is, and experience what it feels like to be in the moment, not just recite the meaning.
Practise a simple mindful moment together |
Explain to your students that we are now going to practise taking a mindful moment together.
In this exercise, students will close their eyes allowing their bodies to be really still for the next 30 seconds. During that time you would like them to pay attention to what they notice and to really concentrate using their ears, minds and hearts.
You may use a bell to let students know when the 30 seconds is complete.
Let's begin |
- Invite students to close their eyes and allow their bodies to be really still
- Now ask students to take a couple of deep breaths and pay attention to what they notice. Really concentrate on using their ears, mind and their heart.
- Allow 30 seconds to pass.
Reflection with students |
- Ask students what did they notice?
- What sounds did they hear?
- How did that feel?
Put your hand up if you got distracted. If so, that's ok. With practice, our attention muscle in our mind, and our Mindfulness is going to become stronger and stronger.
Mindful Life Practise | Curious Scientist
Let your students know |
When you are learning about Mindfulness it's like you are being a curious scientist. You will get to study and learn all about you. You will be learning about your mind, thoughts and feelings and investigate how they work.
Ask your students |
Who would like to practise being a curious scientist during the week, at school or at home?- Ask students to investigate things that are easy to do mindfully, For example brushing their teeth, drinking a glass of water, eating an apple, putting on their shoes.
- Let's share our thoughts on what's easy to do mindfully through the week.
Encourage students to listen to their meditation at home, ask Mum or Dad if they need help.
Guided Meditation | 8:26 | "Bubble"
Educators |
When asking the students to close their eyes remember some students may not feel safe. Suggest that they can focus their gaze on the floor in front of them, but it is helpful not to get distracted by looking around.
Ask your students |
Before our first Meditation ask who in the class has done practised meditation before?
Let students know |
This is their special time to relax and calm their mind and body. Invite your students to sit or lay in a comfortable position and gently close their eyes. If thoughts come and go that's ok.
Let's begin |
Play this meditation as many times as you like, but remember, just one meditation one week at a time.
Reflection with students |
- Put your hand up if you enjoyed doing the meditation.
- How did you feel in your bubble?
- Did everyone feel calm and relaxed?
- What other feelings did you have?
- Were you able to fill your bubble with all your favourite things? If so what were some of the things you saw?
Mindful Game | Thumb Pointing Game
Educators |
This game is to help kids start to pay attention to their thoughts and feelings. This exercise helps kids explore all the different feelings we experience. Happy, sad, tired etc. Also encourages mindful listening and focus.
Explain to students |
During this game, we are going to explore how we are feeling at this moment. There is no right or wrong way to feel. Many of us probably feel different now to how we felt this morning.
How to play |
- Take a deep breath and notice how you are feeling right now.
- I’m going to ask a series of questions and want everyone to share their answers at the same time by pointing their THUMBS UP, THUMBS DOWN or THUMBS SIDEWAYS.
- THUMBS UP means yes easy, great, feeling happy or positive.
- THUMBS DOWN means it’s hard or not great or feeling stressed or sad.
- THUMBS SIDEWAYS means in between.
- Wait for the question and don't point your thumb until I say 1 2 3 GO!
Here we go |
- Is it hard or easy to sit still right now? 1 2 3 GO!
- Do you have a lot of energy or feel tired right now? 1 2 3 GO!
- Do you feel relaxed or stressed right now? 1 2 3 GO!
- Did you enjoy the food you ate at lunch today?
Now let's swap and change what our THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN represents. For example, put your THUMB UP for NO and NOT GREAT, and ViCA VERSA. Have fun with your new questions.
Here we go |
- How does the weather today make you feel? 1 2 3 GO!
- Who is looking forward to doing homework this afternoon? 1 2 3 GO!
- Who is feeling hungry right now? 1 2 3 GO!
- Who loves puppies? 1 2 3 GO!
- Continue for fun...
Journal | PNG Format | My New Mindfulness
Educators |
Slide your students' journal to your desktop and print.